Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Greetings from Washington!

Hello! Here I sit, on Anderson Island, in the green state of Washington. If you have a Google Earth, look it up. It's shaped like a devil's head! Oooooooooh! Anyway, I survived 2 weeks of 2 VERY different girls camps. I am sleeping A LOT to make up for lost sleep, but hey, it was fun. Let's see, we watched a movie on a big screen in my cousins backyard. It was the real life Peter Pan. That was cute. I saw "Inception" with my Dad, Uncle Matt, Cousin Brady, and his cousin Jake. It was REALLY good. I don't know how anyone could have possibly thought up such a good plotline! I've learned to play pickle-ball, a sport where, apparently, only Utah doesn't know about. Shame. It's like Ping-Pong, on a bigger scale where YOU are the paddles! I had a dream I was friends with Justin Beiber (THAT was creepy). We tried out our grandpa's big zip-line here on the island, and am now currently reading a book that I randomly found here. It's called Stormbreaker. I'm not sure what I think of it so far. Well, that's about it. See you later!


Cassidy said...

see ya wednesday!! i'll be there 12:30!!

ShMeghan said...

hello i play pickle ball in pe so obviously utah has heard of it haha glad to here you are having fun i have decided to move there when im older and i am going to marry my own personal edward cullen haha!!!!

Treble Clef ♪ said...

I'm glad you are having a great time. We liked "Inception" also. Christopher Nolan is one of those amazing writer/directors. Sorry about your Justin Bieber dream:) See you soon!