So. . . I have bad luck. On Saturday, was playing football with my friends and broke my ankle. I'd like to say that I was going for the touchdown that would win my team the game and heroically broke it in the process! But, alas, that was not to be. I was trying to intercept a ball and I twisted it in a hole in the ground running backwards. We went to the hospital today and they confirmed that it was indeed broken. We are making an appointment on Monday to see when I will get my cast. Right in the middle of the soccer season. . . DANG IT! This happened last year with my wrist. (sigh) Someone up there doesn't want me playing soccer.

if you play anything like your may just be genetics!
I personally have never broken a bone!!!
coordination was never your strong point-probably should have!
Are you cursing me? Just like you cursed me with Strep throat????
Girls, girls, break it up!
Ooooouch! Painful eh!
ouch! thats funny cus when you hurt it me and meghan were laughing at you. heheh sorry!
did you know david cooks brother died cause of a brain tumor?
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