Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Sound of Music. . .

So... First of all I am sorry that I havn't updated my blog for a while... But this is awsome! This is totally planned. It happend in a train station in Belgium. All of you musical geeks like me will love this!


Ki-o-TEE said...

When I first saw this I wished that it happened more often. I loved watching the people's faces when they couldn't figure out what was going on haha!

And the part where it sort of gets this disco beat was awesome too. Disco Julie Andrews! haha!

neeleys in olympia said...

it looked set up-how do they all know the moves?

Cassidy said...
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Treble Clef ♪ said...

Love, Love, Love! Musical Theatre choreography. Got me a bit choked up. I always secretly wish something like this would happen in real life:)

Michaela said...

Well it did... The normal people had no idea what was going on!