Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dart Wars

So apparently my ward has this Semi-Annual tournament called "Dart Wars". 
Boy does it get intense. 
1.Prop all of the tables up on their side. Begin the game by spreading them out evenly across the gym. 
2. Split into teams and and choose your PVC pipe gun and spread Nerf Darts across the floor. 
3.Each team starts in a line across the back walls until the game begins.
4. Scramble to grab as much ammo as possible, while trying to hide behind tables and not get shot. 
5. Shoot people. If you get hit 3 times, you're out. Head shots count. 
6. You can move the tables to gain advantage. 
7. Don't cross the middle line unless the game drags on. Then the lines don't matter. 
8. Team with the last person standing wins. 

One of the best ideas ever. 
Quite a big workout though.
I'll see you all on Thursday evening!

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