We started at the stake center, sometime early in the morning. I had range that morning, (A DR. ED thing) so I had to hurry and get there. We mingled for a 'bit, then left for Manti! The ride was 11/2 hours long, but the people in my car made it entertaining! Thank you Miranda, Adriana, and Britta! Needless to say, we now have about 10 new inside jokes, 7 new "insults" and blackmail all around. :) When we were maybe, 3 or so miles from the Temple, you could still see it's beauty. It is really pretty. We finally arrived at our campground which was just around the corner of the Manti Temple. We set up camp, and hung out for a few hours. Those few hours consisted of this:
Missionary Tag
The Cup Game
Water Being "Accidentally" Spilled on me
Me, Planning My Revenge
Me, Learning the Official Rules to Hackysack
Playing Ninja Destruction : You mean you don't know what that is?
Ninja Destruction
1. Start in a circle standing within touching distance.
2. The game moves clockwise starting with the Ninja Master
3. Ninja Master says, “Ninja Destruction” and the whole circle strikes a pose.
4. Ninja Master starts by attempting to “strike” (must be hand-to-hand contact) another player.
5. The target gets one swift movement to miss the strike. If the target is hit then he or she is out. If not, the player stays in and the player clockwise from the Ninja Master has a turn.
6. The game continues like this until all players are out.
2. The game moves clockwise starting with the Ninja Master
3. Ninja Master says, “Ninja Destruction” and the whole circle strikes a pose.
4. Ninja Master starts by attempting to “strike” (must be hand-to-hand contact) another player.
5. The target gets one swift movement to miss the strike. If the target is hit then he or she is out. If not, the player stays in and the player clockwise from the Ninja Master has a turn.
6. The game continues like this until all players are out.

Favorite Quote by Austin: "Me and Gioia are tight like unto a dish!"
On our way back, we found out that the protesters had already started gathering. One man had a set of weights on handlebars (the best I can describe it) that weighed about 100 lbs .He was asking people to pick it up and feel how heavy it was. Well Kirk was with us and volunteered to try. (For those of you who don't know him, he's kind of a big dude.) So he lifted them a bit and tested how much they weighed. The man started raving about how no person could pick them up, tuck them under their arm and run from people. So Kirk shrugged, and with a little effort, tucked it under one arm and said: "Ya, I think I could do it." It was a happy moment. However the man immediately started going on about how that was only half the weight. But I later looked it up and they only weighed 60 lbs.
2 other stories about that man. At our testimony meeting the next day, 2 people told us about their experience with that man. One kind of scrawny kid told us that he picked up the "plates" and ran from him while the man chased him until he gave up. He found out that the man believed that the red sea was parted, but not that Joseph Smith had carried that weight. Another guy was saying how when asked if he thought that it was possible, said : "With Jesus as your personal trainer, you can do anything." Good answer. However, we weren't really supposed to talk to them, so kudos to those that didn't.
The actual pageant was really neat too. We all sat down and once the sun set, it really got cold! Once again, I was glad I brought extra stuff. It was put together really well, and they must have practiced hard, because they had hundreds of extras that worked together flawlessly. But, at the moment, my favorite part was when they had the huge bursts of fire when they were acting out the days before Christ came to the America's because it was absolutely FREEZING! :) But aside from that, it was a really good pageant and if you haven't seen it, you really should. When it was done, (it got done at 12:00) we walked back to the camp and immediately fell asleep.
The next day, we went to Snow College for some fun! We got into groups, started off playing ninja destruction, then scattered to play ball. I played Soccer, Volleyball, Racquetball, Basketball, and did other stuff. It was a blast! We then did a service project for an old lady. She was 90 years old and still walking around! She didn't look a day over 80. We painted her porch, cleaned out her shed, washed her patio, sprayed her walk-way and had a karaoke party. Yup. She also made us cookies that were to die for! (Don't worry mom, they were sugar cookies! I still think your chocolate chip are the best!)
Beiber's song came on, everyone Booed! (No offense Cait).
The next day, we went down to Salt Lake to watch the Joseph Smith movie. I love it! Even though it was the 4th time I had ever watched it, it was great just to be there with those that hadn't yet. We then had a lunch break, and went up the LDS office Building. To the very top. Way up there. All the way. 26 stories. Wow. The elevator ride was awesome. It went up 26 stories in 22 seconds. However, the view was even better! if you haven't been there before, put it on your bucket list.
Well, that's about it! Sorry about the length, this is my longest post! Way to bear with me! I hope you enjoyed it!
~Michaela Labit
100th Post!!!
Hooray for your 100th post on one of my most "enjoyed" blogs:) Thanks for sharing the details of the YC since I couldn't attend.
SO FUN! You forgot to mention that your cuz's were there! Can't wait for your 200th.
I would have booed at you guys for booing. Hahaha jk I'm glad you had fun!
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