Now that I am on a "Yes we finally made it through the open-class parent evaluation day" high and now I feel like I'm relaxed enough to finally update my blog. Today the parents of our students came in to watch us teach and, miracle of miracles, they apparently liked me. *Breaths out deeply* Successful lesson full of Pronouns, kinetic energy, potential energy, and slingshots.

A Cathedral that we eventually tried to go to church in that Sunday. We were successfully kicked out, much to our regret. We were really lucky to have a bright, sunny day to travel around the city an explore.

But going back to Red Square.
We took gratuitous pictures of Saint Basil's, or at least I did, because of how breathtaking it was. It was such a cool experience to see the place in person that everyone always sees in pictures. I grew up always seeing the photos of the strange domes and bright colors, but now I have many shots of me actually in front of it. And in it.
And posing dramatically in front of it.
Because why not?
St. Basil's has a guest book that you can sign and date once you go through it, so of course I jumped at the opportunity to to leave my name in such a historic place. Look at all the different languages in it.
We finally made our way to the Kremlin, which was definitely a cool experience. It has such a cool collection of armor and carriages and clothing. Again, no pictures allowed, so the outside is all you get.
We waited in line for an hour, so you also get pictures of us finally cracking under the boredom.
More Red Square.
Love-Lock Bridge was beautiful as well. It used to be that whenever you would get married, you'd put a lock on the bridge to seal the deal, but once it started destroying the metal on the bridge, the government commissioned these metal trees to be put up all over the bridge for people to hang their love-locks on. The effect that it creates is amazing. Once the trees are full, they send them to a park full of old love-lock trees.
It was also kind of funny to see all the different kinds of locks on the trees. Almost like they were trying to outdo each other.
And look at this beautiful view from the bridge.
Unmarked army trucks in the heart of Moscow.
Just gorgeous.
We also went to one of the most expensive malls in the world. Right in the middle of Red Square. It was three stories tall. I thought of Bethany the entire time.
The metro in Moscow has these signs all over the place where you interact with different pictures. Apparently, you can search the hashtag #metrocool on instagram to see all of them. The instructions are literally: Stand by picture, camera, hold eagle.
Or wrestle the alligator. #metrocool
You meet all sorts of people there. I bought Elijah's gift from a man that only had gold teeth, and got into a five minute conversation with a guy who only spoke French.
All in all, Moscow was great and I'm glad I'm happy I got to visit, but I'm glad I live is St. Pete.
And Now Back to Random St. Pete Photo's and Explanations.
Miranda and I have allowed ourselves one day a week were we can go and buy an AMAZING chocolate muffin from the street vendors. It's only 30 rubles (less than a dollar) and it's one of the best things I've ever tasted in my life. So after a particularly hard day of teaching, we decide it's pastry day.
Pizza Picnic in the Heat Teacher's apt.
What happens when you try and take a picture with all of your kindergarten students.
I almost left the school before realizing that one of my kids had put our four corners game on my back. Miranda was laughing pretty hard.
I'm falling more and more in love with this city, and I know that it's only going to get harder to leave the longer I stay because we're only half done here and I already don't want to think about leaving it. I know the metro by heart now, and can speak and read enough Russian to feel comfortable buying things by myself for the most part. I'm no where near good at it, though.
I switch host families this Saturday. It's bitter sweet, because I love the one I'm in currently, but I'll be able to experience more and the other family is closer to the HT apt, rather than an hour long commute everyday.
Random things:
- My 9-year old students learned that I have a dog named Buddah. They think it's the funniest thing in the world and have made a song about him. It consists of saying his name over and over again to the tune of "Agent P" from Phineas and Ferb.
- I have witnessed the kids in my host family do a Russian Golem impression and it's wonderful.
- The graffiti here is sometimes in English and it's just random words like "Dirt" and "Elmo" and I find it hilarious.
- My host-brother's teacher wants to know if I'll be able to come into their English class in two weeks and have them answer questions from a native speaker. That makes me sound super exotic but I'm really not. Still, I'm super excited and it should be fun!
Until next time.
This is just pure awesomeness!!!
Wow Michaela- this sounds awesome. Glad you are having such an amazing experience. Skype soon?
This is so amazing!! I miss you so much (haha even though we never really hang out a lot)!! Hope all is going well!!
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