Monday, January 24, 2011

Quotes II

1. Beth- "Look! I'm wearing a wife-beater."
    Me-  "I would hope you wouldn't beat your wife."
    Beth- "Of course not. . .that would be mean!"

2. Me- "My aunt killed my sick fish by sticking it in the microwave."
  Friend-"What!?! Why didn't she just drown it or something!?!"

3. Teacher- "This is a lotus blossom being held aloft by the heads of the river gods."

4. Beth - "At least we get to perform in front of small groups."
    Friend 2- "Who's Smog Roups?"

5. Teacher 2- "I'm not a girl. . .because I'm bald. . .yup, that's one indication."

6. Teacher 2- "I'm so bald I have a fore-head and a five-head."

7. Teacher- "Anymore questions?"
    Student- "Where do you live?"
    Teacher- " The Happy Valley Ghetto."

8. Elijah- "Love is for the weak."
    Me- "Say that again in about 4 years, then I'll listen."

9. Friend 3-"My computer may have beat me at chess, but I sure as heck killed it in kick-boxing!"

10. Elijah- "I'm a poet and I didn't even know! Wait. . ."

11. Teacher- "Cold medicine affects me pretty. . . a lot. Pretty a lot."

12. Teacher 2- "Grass? Does grass still exist?

13. Teacher- "It's a unicorn. . .coming out of a cloud. . . in a heart. And ya, I made it."

Yes, I have funny teachers.  Oh Ceramics.


Treble Clef ♪ said...

Hurray for quote collecting! These are great!!

Unknown said...

I still want to be in this someday ;)

Ki-o-TEE said...

These make me grin wide, especially the drowning the fish one! hah!