So I got an eye-exam today. For the past. . . long time. . . I've had trouble seeing the board in my classes and reading stuff from far away. So finally after much nagging, my dad took me to get an eye-exam. I am officially Near-sighted. The eye doctor said she didn't know how I passed my Drivers ED eye-exam. Personally, I think it was pity. So, in 7 days, my glasses will come I will be a Four-eyes! (That doesn't mean I'm giving you permission to call me that!) Sorry no pictures. But I will soon. . . And no, those aren't the glasses I chose. I got black ones.
You will look very cool in specs. You know now days people consider them accessories. Coryn has several "fake pairs" and Caitlyn says that she likes seeing Chris Osmond wear his real glasses.
That stinks, but at least you can see. Yes, my sister does enjoy getting tons of fake pairs. Don't worry, glasses are cool. You'll look great! They can't be that bad, I think glasses look pretty awesome.
Talk to you layer
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