Monday, August 24, 2009
New iPod!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Look out World!!

Monday, August 10, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sometimes life can bring you down, Everybody has their day.
Where you feel like you aren't wanted and,
Luck will never come your way.
It's times like these that try the heart, So when your heart is tried,
Always look towards Jesus Christ, and let Him help you decide.
We always need to come to Him, so have faith and never doubt,
If you'll but simply look on up, you'll see His hand reaching out.
He's our creator and He never wants to see us sad or depressed.
Just look ahead, follow His light, and always do your best.
In our life we'll make mistakes, we don't know how or when,
If you stumble and fall, while you answer the call,
just pick yourself up again.
We can't forget the ones around us, who have lost sight of the road,
Reach out and point in the right direction and help them lighten their load.
And when you finally make it, into His warm embrace,
Look up and see the one you've missed, look up into his smiling face.
My child, He loves you, He'll never forsake you, and when you're in the pit of despair,
Just look and see that you're are a child of God, and that He will always be there.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Garfield Minus Garfield
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My book Review of: